sábado, julho 29, 2006


That there
That's not me
I go
Where I please
I walk through walls
I float down the Liffey
I'm not here
This isn't happening
I'm not here
I'm not here

In a little while
I'll be gone
The moment's already passed
Yeah it's gone
And I'm not here
This isn't happening
I'm not here
I'm not here

Strobe lights and blown speakers
Fireworks and hurricanes
I'm not here
This isn't happening
I'm not here
I'm not here

"How to disappear completely"

PS - é mm fácil tocar na guitarra e é LINDA..


Anonymous Anónimo said...

andas a ouvir musica muito boa :) beijo

2:17 da tarde  
Blogger lu said...

quase perfeita né?!? beijinho

10:28 da tarde  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

O baixo é completamente embalador...! e belo, claro! muito bom!

1:24 da manhã  

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